“Not why the addiction but why the pain.”

/Gabor Mate/

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About Us

The Tiszta Jövőért Közhasznú Alapítvány was founded in 1999

The Tiszta Jövőért Közhasznú Alapítvány was founded in 1999 and has been operating in Zugló under the current address since 2006.
Our Foundation provides free, anonymous, voluntary and personalized assistance for everyone associated with different kinds of addictional and substance abuse problems.

We provide a wide range of services:

Prevention trainings (diversion)

Individual counselling for addicts and their families

Prevention trainings for groups, workshops

Party Service for night clubs and concert venues

Low threshold services

Promoting early treatment to prevent addiction

Providing information related to legal and illegal substances

Individual case management

Youth psychiatric consultation for drug users

Supporting the social reintegration of rehabilitated addicts

Social recreational programs

Supporting and organizing volunteer work for high school and university students

Individual consultations, thematic groups, peer training and other specific programs are available according to booked appointments and on pre-announced dates from Monday to Thursday between 9am. and 5pm., and 9am. and 1pm. on Fridays.

About Us

Our goal is to provide help for the widest range of young people, drug users, addicts and their immediate environment. Furthermore, to reduce drug use and its harmful effects, to facilitate and assist lifestyle changes, organizing rehabilitation care and aftercare, preventing relapse episodes and increasing social solidarity.

We stand firm in our belief that positive changes, achievements and successes can only be accomplished through active cooperation with our clients. Besides consultation and therapeutic work with the individual and their families, we strive to effectively carry out drug-prevention activities and integration processes indirectly, with the methodology and toolkit of community building.

Our community space offers free access to the Internet, as well as individual case management and social recreational programs for everyone with particular attention to high school students. In addition to our specifically qualified staff (social workers, social educators, addiction consultant, psychologist), qualified volunteers are also involved in the activities and programs.


1143 Budapest, Tábornok street 11/B.

Tax number



Individual consultations, thematic groups, peer training and other specific programs are available according to booked appointments and on pre-announced dates from Monday to Thursday between 9am. and 5pm., and 9am. and 1pm. on Fridays.


Monday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am to 5:00pm

Friday: 9:00am to 1:00pm

You can apply for diversion at the given contacts or even in person during opening hours!

About Us


From the fall of 2016 a new service is available at our Foundation: preventive-informative service in individual or group form. You can make an appointment in person through our given contacts.

What is diversion?

In Hungary, all drug-related offenses are criminal offenses. According to the combined 42/2008. (XI.14.) EÜM-SZMM edict the drug user can be referred to three different types of diversion services (drug addiction treatment, other treatment for drug use or preventive-informative service) based on a health examination by a forensic medical expert or the healthcare provider’s psychiatrist, addictologist or clinical psychiatrist.

The person entitled to diversion can choose from a list of institutions a place to go according to his classification. If you are caught in the act with a small amount, only consumer type of substance use, you have two options. One is prosecution, in case you do not wish to partake in diversion; the other option is the use of the preventive-informative service we can offer in a process called diversion. Diversion is therefore an alternative to prosecution, which is offered by the authority (police, court, prosecutor’s office). Diversion is a 6-month, individual or group consultation conducted by qualified assistants. After booking an appointment the joint work begins with a contract, which requires continuous and regular appearance so that the procedure can be completed within half a year. The continuity of diversion requires that between two consultations no more than 30 days can elapse. If this continuity is interrupted, the diversion has to start from the beginning. The certificate issued at the end of diversion must be presented to the authority, so the criminal procedure can officially be closed.